Mexico City, Mexico…[Libna Stevens]

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-Oceanic Mexican Union in Mexico City will host the First International Summit of Leaders and Communicators on Nov. 25-27, 2003.

The event promises to gather nearly 1,000 participants, church leaders, professionals and government officials from Mexico and abroad including Mexican President Vicente Fox and First Lady Marta Sahagun de Fox, says Baruc Lagos, communication director of the church in Inter-Oceanic Mexico.

During the summit, participants will share experiences with local and international communicators, participate in workshops, motivate young people to enter into the different means of communication and show communicators how to positively draw their audience by promoting spiritual and moral values.

Also on the agenda are 12 seminars covering magazine and newspaper writing, professional speech, Public speaking, and Politeness and Protocol, among others.

For more information on the summit, go to

Image by Image by ANN. IOMU

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