Silver Spring, Maryland, United States…[Todd Reese/ADRA]

A team from the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) offices in Germany and Turkey will arrive in Iran Tuesday, December 30, to assess damage and formulate ADRA’s larger response to the severe earthquake that hit near the ancient city of Bam, Iran before dawn Friday, December 26.

ADRA’s initial response includes providing 1,500 blankets, 1,500 petroleum heaters and canisters, 100 6-person tents, mats and mattresses, jackets, and biscuits. The project, valued at 25,000 Euro (US$31,000), is funded by ADRA Germany, ADRA Austria, and CARE Germany.

During the team’s visit they will assess the earthquake area to determine ADRA’s project area through coordination with other organizations and local authorities, prepare project proposals, and explore possibilities for local staff and a project base.

“Additionally, the team will conduct a needs assessment for further relief and rehabilitation projects,” stated Erich Lischek, country director for ADRA Germany. ADRA Germany and ADRA International funded a project valued at US$300,000 that built four health clinics and 80 houses for widows with children in response to the earthquake that struck near the city of Rasht, Iran in 1990.

ADRA has established the “Iran Earthquake Fund.” Monetary donations only are invited.

The earthquake, registering a magnitude of 6.6, is estimated to have killed at least 25,000 people and left additional thousands injured and homeless.

ADRA International has a presence in over 120 coutnries providing community development and disaster relief to individuals without regard to their race, gender, political or religious affiliation.

For more information about ADRA International, go to

Image by Image by ANN. ADRA

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