Chiriqui, Panama…[IAD Staff]

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Panama and Costa Rica celebrated its first church elder’s convention June 19. More than one thousand pastors and church elders from throughout the South Central American Union, which covers three local fields in Costa Rica and two local fields in Panama, met at the Panama Adventist Institute in Chiriqui Panama.

The men and women who traveled to the event participated in many seminars on the role of elders in their respective congregation and responsibilities and privileges. They also learned about the elder’s role in assisting his/her pastor, supporting and promoting all departments of the church, church organization, and policies regarding finances of the church.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, was the special speaker. Pastor Leito challenged the elders to “occupy their position as assistant pastors with dignity and dedication, and to remember that the call to be church elders is a call to a selfless and dedicated ministry.”

Part of the Sabbath event included a Master Guide drill team from the church in West Panama Mission, where the youth are active in serving the church there.

Continuing education for church elders is a territory-wide certification program that the Inter-American Division Ministerial Association is implementing to assist the growing 2.4 million church membership with its 2,558 employed pastors in the territory.

Image by Image by ANN. IAD
Image by Image by ANN IAD

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