Miami, Florida, United States…[Israel Leito/IAD]

Steady growth in the Dominican union has triggered the reorganization of the North Dominican Conference, which boasts a membership of 41,000. The Northeast Dominican Mission has split off from the conference, taking with it 16,000 of the total membership.

The conference was reorganized with a financial stability of 388% operating capital and 440% liquidity. The field has been reorganized with two very strong financial fields with very strong and able leadership.

The work in the Dominican Union is expanding rapidly, and it has improved from baptizing around five to six thousand not too long ago, to20,000 baptisms today. Nearly every month new churches are dedicated.

The Dominican Union is building a new hospital, and also operates a nation-wide radio station. The level of support of the membership of the church is astounding. Every December, the church gives what is called a thanks offering. This is used to support the radio work and to build new churches. In 2004, the offering surpassed expectations. The goal was set at RD$8,000,000, but more than RD$11,000,000 (approximately US$366,666.00) was received.

Currently, there are six local fields in the Dominican Union, with a membership of over 214,600 as of September 30, 2004.

The Division Administration salutes the church in the Dominican Union and the leadership of the union and local fields for their steady work and able leadership of God’s people.

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