Silver Spring, Maryland, United States …. [Mark A. Kellner/ANN Staff]

As of March 1 only 120 days remain before thousands gather at the America’s Center in St. Louis, Missouri, United States for the 58th General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Anticipation is building for the quinquennial event, which runs June 29 to July 9, 2005, organizers say.

The St. Louis convocation marks the first time Adventists have held their worldwide gathering in the United States in 15 years. Daily attendance at the event is expected to average more than 10,000 people; on the two weekends, more than 70,000 are expected to attend.

Some 2,000 voting delegates from all over the world will gather at the America’s Center to participate in meetings that will determine many of the church’s administrative actions for the next half decade, as well as elect its president, treasurer, executive secretary and other leaders.

“Everything is coming together,” says Linda de León, certified meeting planner (CMP), in charge of the event. Twice daily musical performances and twice daily seminars from the church’s Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department are two of the extra features planned for the event, along with daily leadership seminars and nightly mission presentations from each of the world church’s regions.

Session organizers emphasized the need for advance planning: the official Web site for the event,, offers many helpful details for those planning to attend.

Food is always a major interest for delegates and visitors to a GC Session, and 2005 is no exception, says Sheri Clemmer, associate meeting planner for the event.

While “the food is going to be great,” she says, advance planning is

essential: Meal tickets must be purchased in advance. Only limited tickets will be available on site, Clemmer adds, and the America’s Center complex does not allow private coolers or picnic baskets into the facility. Lacto-ovo vegetarian food service will be available.

Vegetarian entrees will be prepared by Sunnydale Adventist Academy.

Meal tickets are U.S. $10.00 per meal and are available via the Session Web site.

It’s also important to note that the number of food outlets open in downtown St. Louis after 4 p.m. is limited, she says.

Both de León and Clemmer emphasize that St. Louis offers a great deal of attractions for delegate families and other visitors, including the museum at the famed Gateway Arch, the Science Center in Forest Park, and tours of St. Louis, a major United States city and the starting point for explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, who charted the westward expansion of the young nation 200 years ago.

Tours of St. Louis will depart from the America’s Center and tickets may be purchased in the lobby. One hundred miles north of the city is Hannibal, Missouri, made famous by the American writer, Mark Twain; the town is a day trip from the city.

The full program for the 2005 Session can be found on the official Web site.

Related Sites
GC Session will be in St. Louis, Missouri in the United States June 29 to July 9. All information regarding travel, accommodations and daily schedule can be found here.

Copyright © 2005 by Adventist News Network.

Image by Image by ANN. Mark A. Kellner/ANN
Image by Image by ANN Reger Smith Jr./ANN

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