Cayenne, French Guiana…[Libna Stevens/IAD Staff]

The first regional Adventist Layman’s Services and Industries Convention for the french territory of the Inter-American Division took place at the Central Church of Cayenne, French Guiana, April 8-10.

IAD-ASI chapter members from Martinique traveled to French Guiana to discuss new ways of sharing Christ in their marketplaces through seminars and group sessions.

Under the theme “The Businessman and the Sabbath,” the convention began its session with Robert Maycock, president of the IAD-ASI. Maycock presented the opening message to the more than 30 chapter members.

Maycock reemphasized to those attending the importance of the Sabbath for every business person.

“Sabbath is a gift from God,” he said. “We need to be competitive, innovative and God said we should stop and reflect what we have accomplished during the week and enjoy a relationship with God.”

“The Sabbath is rooted on the Word of God,” he continued.

ASI members attended seminars on time management, finances, business law, and more.

This is the first regional convention held in Inter-America since the IAD-ASI was organized in 1998, says Pastor Leon Be. Wellington, vice-president and ASI secretary for the church in Inter-America.

“This year instead of having our annual convention it was decided for regional conventions to be held throughout the territory since the world church’s official business session will take place this summer,” says Wellington.

The Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries of the Inter-American Division is a chapter of the Seventh-day Adventist lay men and women who provide support and nurturing for church programs from their businesses, professional offices, and outreach ministries.

For information on upcoming regional ASI conventions go to the ASI section at

Image by Image by ANN. FAGU
Image by Image by ANN FAGU

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