October 11, 2005 Silver Spring, Maryland, United States …. [ANN Staff]

A new weekly Adventist News Network (ANN) “podcast,” one of the latest methods of disseminating digital information from the Seventh-day Adventist Church world headquarters, is now available every Thursday at www.news.adventist.org.

A podcast can be regarded as “radio on demand,” and may be downloaded to an iPod or iTtunes and listened to at one’s leisure. They can also be subscribed to for easy access via services such as Apple Computer’s iTunes (www.apple.com/itunes). The ANN podcast is available, in English, at no cost to users through recent iTunes software in the podcast section — search for Adventist News — as well as for direct download in MP3 format from the ANN web site, news.adventist.org.

The five- to seven- minute ANN podcast, hosted by John Torres and Wendi Rogers, includes news highlights and features from each week’s Adventist News Network bulletin.

“This is another exciting part of our news service. The format is paced to meet a listener on the run, so to speak, and is conversational in style, it offers a more relational approach to news,” said Rajmund Dabrowski, director of ANN and communication head of the world Adventist Church. “Wendi Rogers and John Torres offer a ‘younger’ sound which we hope will attract the younger listener.”

According to Rogers, the podcast will expand in its editorial scope to also include materials relating to issues in society. “Our approach is to connect with a Christian listener, but also those who are interested in religious life in general. We hope to inspire, as well as inform,” Rogers said.

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Copyright © 2005 by Adventist News Network

Image by Image by ANN. Reger C. Smith Jr

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