January 31, 2006 Bálti and Chisinau, Moldova …. [Valery Ivanov/Mark A. Kellner/ANN]

Lay evangelists in the Republic of Moldova are envisioning approaches to their communities with the principles of the Gospel, thanks to two regional seminars and the donation of hundreds of DVD players and discs containing sermon outlines and illustrations.

Pastor Mark A. Finley, a general field secretary of the Seventh-day Adventist world church and director of its Center for Global Evangelism, was joined by Denzil McNeilus, a banker from Minnesota and a past president of Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries, an organization of lay men and women devoted to sharing Christ in the marketplace, in presenting seminars on using the equipment.

“Evangelism is best rooted in local soil,” Finley told ANN. “I’m really encouraged about what I have seen in Moldova: Moldovan administrators, Moldovan pastors, Moldovan lay people are taking the initiative to share Jesus with their neighbors.”

Moldova is a small nation, roughly the size of the American state of Maryland, with a population of about 4.5 million people. Its economy is based on agriculture and the country, a former Soviet republic, is among the least affluent nations in Europe.

Such issues do not deter the evangelists, who flocked to meetings on Jan. 19 in Bálti and Jan. 20 to 21 in Chisinau. Despite temperatures that were -4 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 Celsius), a brass band outside the Maranatha Adventist Church in Bálti welcomed the 600 guests, 300 of whom were already pledged to be evangelists in their communities. Another 70 people volunteered at the meeting and will also be supplied with the DVD materials and supporting literature.

In Chisinau, more than 700 were gathered for a one-day evangelism seminar; another 2,500 came to the National Republic Palace the next day for Sabbath worship. Approximately 700 had to be turned away from the worship service because fire regulations would not allow the palace to be overcrowded.

Finley noted that, “Each person receiving these materials has committed to holding an evangelistic meeting. When they have completed this, they will turn the items over to the [local church] and another group will use them for a second series of meetings. This is the ultimate in recycling.”

There are 154 Seventh-day Adventist congregations in Moldova, and 11,500 members. Local church officials say the lay outreach efforts should bring another 1,600 people into the church.

Copyright (c) 2006 by Adventist News Network

Image by Image by ANN. Middle East Union
Image by Image by ANN

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