Miami, Florida, United States…[Libna Stevens & Daniel Gonzalez/IAD]
Inter-America’s second Youth Bible Bowl competition brought dozens of youth from the Inter-American Division territory for last month’s grand finale in Caracas, Venezuela. Spectators watched as the 12 finalists, who represented thousands of youth throughout the territory, answered challenging questions on the Book Messages to Young People, by Ellen G. White.
Sponsored by the division’s Youth Ministries Department, the annual competition was streamed live on the internet and drew nearly 400 online viewers, the highest number in a single day, according to Jose Romero, associate communication director for the church in Inter-America.
“This was such a wonderful event,” says Pastor Rodriguez, youth director for the church in Interamerica and moderator of the competition. “It was so wonderful to see the unity that the young people have in this event, they had the opportunity to share the challenges they face today, went sightseeing the next day and shared memorable times…language was not a barrier for them,” he added.
The competition involved a team of technicians and staff to set up a network of 12 computers for each participant so they could view and answer their questions on their computers. Scores were posted on a projected screen of each answer by each participant and the time it was answered in. The multiple choice format was similar to the popular television game show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
“We are very happy with how things turned out,” says Pastor Rodriguez. “We are fulfilling the use of technology to the service of the mission of the church.”
Romero says major events like this is the reason the Division is committed to webcasting, says Romero.
“These online live events are a great opportunity to increase our communication to our territory and foster unity,” he says.
Pastor Rodriguez says that since the Bible Bowl began in 2004, it has brought a lot of excitement and dedication to the young people in Inter-America.
“Our goal for Bible bowls is to involve at least 75% of our youth in IAD in reading the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy books,” says Pastor Rodriguez.
Although the Bible Bowl’s was not about a book in the Bible, the book Messages to Young People, by Ellen G. White, was chosen instead because of its inspiring counsel to young people, says Pr. Rodriguez.
“As a message to the young people, it satisfies their needs, and provides the answers to almost all of life’s questions,” he says. “It [the book] counsels young people on life’s important decisions like career choices, dating and marriage and every day decisions.”
Pastor Bernardo explains that because 200,000 copies were printed and distributed as the book of the year for young people in 2004, it encouraged thousands of young people to study the book.
Before participants were tested, a musical program and a drama on the life of Ellen G. White and her writings was presented by young people of El Paraiso Church.
Neyda Perez of the Dominican Union took the grand prize, a full scholarship to Montemorelos University and an all-expense paid trip to next year’s 2007 youth congress. Scoring 235 after answering 52 questions in the shortest amount of time, Perez said she was thankful to participate in the competition.
“This contest has confirmed two things for me: God is Almighty and when we place ourselves in God’s hands, He comes through,” says Perez, who also participated as a finalist in the first bowl.
Perez says that Messages to Young People really helped her and her fellow participants in the Dominican Republic gain more knowledge from God’s guidance.
Trailing behind five points was Tanesha Anderson, a native of Jamaica who was representing the West Indies Union. Her prize included a full scholarship to Northern Caribbean University and a complete set of the Bible Commentary. She was thankful for the opportunity to participate and shared the benefits from studying the book.
“Reading the book has helped me become a better person,” said Anderson, who was encouraged by her youth teacher of her church to get involved in reading the book.
Third place went to Bernabe Mendez, representing the North Mexican Union, who received a complete set of the Bible Commentary.
All finalists were also given gift certificates and cash prizes.
All but three unions were represented at this year’s Bowl. Pastor Rodrigues hopes that next year all 15 unions will be represented.
The next Bible Bowl will be on the gospels and will take place in Costa Rica in November. Competitions at church level will begin again this summer and then move to conference and later to the union level.
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