Miami, Florida, United States….[Libna Stevens/IAD]

More than 400 Seventh-day Adventist leaders, pastors and lay representatives from throughout the church in Inter-America will meet for a first ever Prayer and Leadership Conference in Miami, Florida, March 10-13.

The event is designed to promote and strengthen leaders, pastors and lay preachers for a life of prayer and consecration in actively participating in the work of reaching millions in the Inter-American Division territory. Church leaders will get to review leadership practices and the effect they have on the church, as well as receive intensive leadership training for improving the spirituality of the church for stronger growth and consolidation.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, has been at the forefront of promoting these conferences as an essential part of preparing church leaders and lay preachers for the changing times.

“These are troubling days for leadership in all walks of life,” says Pastor Leito, “but we have nothing to fear because we are certain of the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We live in what sociologists have termed ‘the transitional times,’ and we must stay the course of the everlasting gospel, but also make a decisive effort to respond to the changing times.”

The prayer conference will be held March 10 and 11 and will deal with seminars on the theology of prayer, effective prayer meetings, prayer and evangelism, among others.

The leadership conference will take place March 12 and 13 and will focus on subjects such as stress management for leaders, conflict resolution, team building and leading, church governance, strategic planning, servant leaders, among others.

Guest speakers will include Adventist World leaders from the General Conference Headquarter office in Maryland, United States, and leaders from the IAD Headquarter office and territory.

For more information on these conferences, visit

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Image by Image by ANN File Photo

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