Acapulco, Mexico…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Inter-America’s Executive Committee meetings began early today with a spiritual message for the 75 church leaders in attendance representing the vast territory of the division.

Pastor Vernon Parmenter, associate secretary for the Adventist World Church, spoke to committee members on the importance of making sure that the church of modern Israel doesn’t commit the same mistakes the people of Israel did before entering the promised land.

“The same sins have shut out modern Israel from the promised land–unbelief, worldliness, lack of consecration and strife among God’s people,” he said.

“The church worldwide needs a revival,” he continued. “The church needs to be purged of worldliness, we need a church which is fully consecrated to God, a church full of the love of Jesus Christ, a church that is loyal to leadership, devoid of a rebellious people, a membership full of love of God.”

The spiritual message was followed by a folkloric presentation, then roll call for all members of the committee was called. Newly elected leaders from throughout the regions were especially welcomed to the meetings and a list of former Inter-American Division staff members were mentioned for a special greeting and appreciation of their service to the church.

Several regions of the church in Inter-America shared their financial and growth report of the year so far.

Business meetings will continue for the next 2 days. Visit for daily coverage of the meetings.

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens/IAD

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