David, Chiriqui, Panama…[IAD Staff|

The Seventh-day Adventist leadership and members of West Panama recently inaugurated its new headquarter offices. Situated on the well traveled Pan-American Highway, which extends from Alaska to southern Chile, the new offices were opened in a special Dec. 21st ceremony.

Pastor Israel Leito, president for the church in Inter-America, was a featured speaker at the event.

“The beauty and functionality of this office makes it one of which the members in the Panama and the South Central American Union can be proud of,” he continued. “It brings glory to the Lord, not only for where it is as a testimony to the Lord, but also for the purpose for which it has been built.”

“Unless this office building fulfills its purpose, it will be like the temple in Jerusalem who had outlived its purpose and was destroyed,” Pastor Leito said.


According to Pastor Leito, membership growth of the mission field will see an upgrade to conference status in the near future.

The West Panama Mission was established in 1990 with 12,000 church members and 59 churches. Today, there are more than 40,000 church members worshiping in more than 200 congregations.

Image by Image by ANN. Israel Leito/IAD

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