Port-of-Spain, Trinidad…[Del Charles/IAD Staff]

Former students who graduated from the elementary teacher-training program and elementary education program at the University of Southern Caribbean (USC), an Adventist Institution, were recognized for their contributions to the country and abroad during a special ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary and 25th anniversary since the programs were established. The event brought a packed auditorium which saw 11 of the 32 people who were being honored at the USC campus ceremony in Trinidad on Nov. 28.

Senator Hazel Manning, Trinidad's minister of education, addressed the gathering during the ceremony and emphasized that celebrating the 25 years is not just an event, but a silver jubilee and the 50 years, a golden jubilee.

Minister Manning congratulated the pioneers who gave committed and devoted service toward the development of the educational programs, which she noted as relevant to education in Trinidad and Tobago. The minister expressed excitement that USC, along with two other universities in Trinidad, are capable of assisting the government in achieving its mandate, that is, preparing citizens capable of driving and sustaining development in the 21st century. She pledged the commitment of the Ministry of Education to continued collaborating with USC.

The 50th anniversary of the two-year Elementary Teacher-Training program was introduced in 1954. During that same year the government of Trinidad and Tobago granted the institution official approval to offer the government’s teacher training program. The first class graduated in 1956. Included in this prestigious group were Dr. Lyndrey Niles, former Dean of Graduate Studies, Howard University, and Dr. Karl Anatol, recently provost of the University of California, United States, and three retired school principals with the Ministry of Education, Trinidad and Tobago.

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education at USC began in 1977 and the first set of students graduated in 1981 with a total of 28 graduates. Since then the program has grown in stature and prominence. Its present enrollment stands at approximately 300 students.

Special awards were given to 32 graduates of both educational programs who were recognized for making significant contributions in their respective fields. Among them were:

Dr. Hyacinth McDowall, for outstanding teaching and leadership in literacy

Pastor Clive Dottin, for distinguished leadership and anti-drug-abuse programs, toward youth reform.

Mr. Arthur Antoine, for outstanding service as a high school principal

Dr. Vernon Andrews, for distinguished leadership in the church and academic institutions, and contribution in Choral Music.

Dr. T. Leslie Ferdinand, for distinguished leadership and teaching, and tertiary academic administration.

Dr. Hamil Tobias, for outstanding teaching and academic administration.

Mr. Charles Bourgeois, for outstanding teaching and public service in the Ministry of Public Utilities and Housing Development.

Mr. Michael John, for distinguished service in the Petroleum Industry (Petrotrin Ltd).

Mr. Franklyn Baldeo, for outstanding service on the Board of Teacher Training.

Mr. Holly Gayadeen, for distinguished service in the fields of arts and crafts.

Mrs. Leola Haynes, for outstanding service as University Registrar, and significant contribution to Children’s Ministries .

Located in the Valley of the twin island state of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the University of Southern Caribben University, formerly Caribbean Union College, offers a range of undergraduate degrees, including graduate degrees in business administration, pastoral theology and educational psychology.

For more information on USC, visit www.usc.edu.tt.

Image by Image by ANN. University of Southern Caribbean/IAD

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