March 2, 2007, Mandeville, Jamaica [Nigel Coke/WIU]

Over 200 youth and youth leaders from the East and Central Jamaica Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists turned out in Downtown Kingston, Jamaica on Feb. 25, for a clean-up campaign. The project is an initiative of Hope 2007, which is an umbrella organization bringing together partners from various Christian denominations in Jamaica, to make an impact on the nation.

The Adventist youth joined over 400 other young people from other Christian denominations who were out on Saturday, February 24, to make their contribution to this noble effort.

Inspired by the presence and participation of the Youth Ministries directors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the West Indies Union and the East Jamaica Conference, Pastors Charles Blythe and Ryan Simpson respectively, the youths converged on the St. William Grant Park, Harbour Street and the Kingston Craft Market, cleaning, painting and removing garbage. The effort has been strongly supported by the government, private sector, and many other organizations.

This was the first in a series of efforts spearheaded by the Hope 2007 church group. The project will continue throughout other communities across the country this year.

The project will also seek to reach souls for Jesus Christ and will include tract distribution among other outreach programs.

Image by Image by ANN. West Indies Union
Image by Image by ANN West Indies Union

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