Baltimore, Maryland….[Joelle Damsteegt, GYC/Adventist Review]

The fifth annual General Youth Conference (GYC) drew thousands of young adult Adventists to Baltimore, Maryland, from December 27-31, 2006. It attracted young professionals, students, youth leaders, chaplains, high school students, and others from all over the United States and several other international countries. Some 2,600 registered for the conference, and 4,000 attended the Sabbath morning events.

The theme for this five-day event was “By Every Word,” based on Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.” Plenary sessions and seminars were planned around this theme. Speakers included Ted Wilson, vice president of the General Conference; David Asscherick, director of ARISE, Troy, Michigan; Michael Hasel, religion professor from Southern Adventist University; and C.D. Brooks, speaker emeritus of Breath of Life television.

“GYC is needed in our church at this time because it reminds people that God is real. The Bible is real. The messages of the prophecies are true. We need to move and take action to share God’s love with the world,” said Kari Lund, a sixth-grade teacher at Village Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School in Berrien Springs, Mich.

Sam Leonor, chaplain at La Sierra University, said, “GYC is giving our young people clear doctrine and clear interpretation of Scripture so that they may be inspired to finish the work!”

On Sabbath afternoon, GYC attendees participated in door-to-door outreach in Baltimore. They knocked on 8,950 doors, prayed with 894 people, distributed 7,538 Bible study cards, and signed up 719 people for Bible studies. The Bible studies will be followed up by an evangelistic series sponsored by GYC and led by young adults.

For more information on GYC activities and programs go to

Image by Image by ANN. Daniel Mendez/AR

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