Guatemala City, Guatemala…[Melvin Batz/IAD Staff]

Over 3,000 young Seventh-day Adventists from throughout the church in Guatemala and Belize set up their tents and sleeping bags at San Jorge Muxbal Camp in Guatemala City, for the region’s first Youth Ministries Camporee from April 3-8.

“It was the first time that an activity of this magnitude was done in our union, which sought to motivate the youth to get involved in the activities of their respective churches,” said Pastor Irvin Calderon, Youth Ministries director for the church in the North Central American region.

The event was packed full of spiritual, mental and physical activities for the more than 170 clubs made up of adventurers, pathfinders, master guides and Adventist Youth Society who worshiped and worked together during six days on Easter week.

“It was something very extraordinary,” said Calderon. “Thanks to God all of our expectations were fulfilled and everyone was excited to get together with other children and young people from the different parts of the country,” he added.

Calderon said he hopes more of these events will be held to unite the Adventist Youth in the region and inspire them to keep in mind the soon coming of Jesus.

For more information and to view photo gallery of the camporee, go to

Image by Image by ANN. Melvin Batz/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Melvin Batz/IAD

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