David, Chiriqui, Panama…[Victor Caballero/IAD Staff]

As Seventh-day Adventist Churches throughout Inter-America held massive baptisms on March 24 during it’s “Pentecost and More” event, three new believers were baptised inside the public prison in the city of David, Chiriqui, in Panama.

This was the fourth baptism held within the penitentiary, bringing the number of believers to 33. The Seventh-day Adventist inmates like to refer to their home as the De La Mata group. In fact, it is officially recognized as a group, organized with a Sabbath School program and a worship service under the direction of a group director, Sabbath School leader, a treasurer and preachers – just like any Seventh-day Adventist Church.

This group of believers was born from a “Voice of Hope” radio program through Super TNT 90.1 FM radio station. It all began when one of inmates called the station and requested Bibles and Bible study materials. From then on, Ms. Margarita Bonilla, who was the radio announcer at the time, has been working with this group of inmates. Pastor Leonardo Tuñon is actively involved in ministering to the group.

The members of the De La Mata Adventist group are part of over 76,000 Seventh-day Adventists who live in Panama and worship in 220 churches and congregations.

Image by Image by ANN. Henry Lopez/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Henry Lopez/IAD

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