Alajuela, Costa Rica…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Almost 2,000 women attended a pair of women's congresses held recently in the South Central American region of the Inter-American Division. More than 900 attended the congress in Costa Rica, while over 1,000 were present at a similar event in Nicaragua.

Both congresses sought to inspire and nurture women to continue taking active part in the church's evangelism program, according to Dinorah Rivera, Women's Ministries associate director for the church in Inter-America.

“It was really touching to see how many women accepted the call to commit to being actively involved in the work of evangelism,” says Rivera.

In Costa Rica, women gathered at Central American Adventist University Church in Alajuela for the one day event featuring praise and worship, and talks on subjects such as unity and being led by the Holy Spirit to serve the church, among others.

The congress in neighboring Nicaragua was held at Managua's municipal auditorium where women participated in seminars on the role of women in the church and evangelism, health issues, self- esteem and more.

Rivera says more women's congresses are being planned for the IAD territory.

Image by Image by ANN. South Central American Union
Image by Image by ANN

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