Sonsonate, El Salvador…[IAD Staff]

More than 300 people joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a result of a massive evangelism cruzade held in Sonsonate City, El Salvador, last weekend.

The cruzade was the culmination of a project which began several months ago.

“These meetings brought forth a revival in the church since this is the first time there is an event of this magnitude,” says Juan J. Montano, a pastor in Sonsanate. “Truly the Lord will continue blessing the church here in Sonsonate.”

Over 1,000 people packed Sonsonate's Teatro Arce every evening to hear International Evangelist Don Rodney West speak of Bible truths. The evening meetings were covered by radio and local media and attended by local government officials.

Organizers are planning additional evangelistic projects in the area throughout the year.

The church in Sonsonate belongs to the recently organized West El Salvador Mission which oversees more than 34,000 Seventh-day Adventists and 130 churches and congregations.

Image by Image by ANN. West El Salvador Mission

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