July 28, 2007 – Medellin, Colombia…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Benjamin Aguilar Lopez from the North Mexican church region was the grand prize winner in today’s grand finale competition of Inter-America’s fourth annual Youth Bible Bowl. Lopez had a score of 320 was trailed by Glimar Garcia Olivera of the Cuban Union who took the second place and Edwin Velandia from the Colombian Union took the third spot.

All finalists traveled to Medellin, Colombia to answer questions on the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.

Finalists were cheered by a live audience of more than 5,000 young people who witnessed the live one-hour event.

Today’s final event was part of Inter-America’s Youth Leadership and Prayer Convention which began July 24 and will end later tonite.

More details of the Bible Bowl event will be available at www.interamerica.org soon.

Image by Image by ANN. Walinton Mosquera/IAD

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