Miami, Florida…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

After months of studying and competing in their local churches and regional districts, 15 finalists will have a little over two weeks to prepare for Inter-America’s Annual Youth Bible Bowl Finals set to take place in Medellin, Colombia on July 28th.

The finalists representing Inter-America’s major church regions will get a chance to compete against each other during a one-hour session of 40 questions on the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. Bible Bowl competitors will show evidence of their Bible knowledge as they type in their answers on the 51 chapters of the Bible in front of a live audience comprised of about 5,000 of their peers.

This year’s Bible Bowl comes just seven months after last year’s competition, mainly because organizers wanted to include it in this year’s IAD Youth Leadership and Prayer Convention which begins July 24.

Pastor Bernardo Rodriguez, youth ministries director for the church in Inter-America and organizer of the event, says this year’s competition will coincide with the convention because the church wants to give the “opportunity to competitors to be part of a large youth event where they could get inspired and inspire their peers on committing time to studying the Word of God.”

Prizes awarded to the top three finalists will include a full scholarship to one of Inter-America’s universities, a laptop computer, or a collection of books, among other cash prizes.

The Bible bowl competition is set to begin at 4:00 p.m. Miami Time on July 28. In addition to the competition being streamed live over the internet, Esperanza TV will transmit the program beginning at 5:00 p.m. during the last part of Bible Bowl competition as well as the conclusion of the Youth Leadership and Prayer Convention scheduled to end at 7:00 p.m. (Miami Time).

Regional winners from Inter-America’s 15 church unions or regions:

Caribbean Union: Eldicia Francis

Colombian Union: Edwin Velandia

Cuban Union: Glimar Garcia Olivera

Dominican Union: Juan Vidal

French Antilles Guiana Union: Laetitia Banco

Haitian Union: Pierre-Eder Gedeon

Inter-Oceanic Mexican Union: Eduardo Hidalgo Hernandez

Mid-Central American Union: Hugo Calderon

North Central American Union: Ingrid Maria Jose Cruz

North Mexican Union: Benjamin Aguilar Lopez

Puerto Rican Union: Lizeidy Nieves Vera

South Mexican Union: Denis David Hernandez H.

South Central American Union: Jairo Antonio Sanchez Matus

Venezuela Antilles Union: Andrea Barrancas

West Indies Union: Karlene Johnson

To view the live competition, visit us at and click on the live webcast event banner on the home page.

Image by Image by ANN. IAD Youth Ministries Department

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