Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Inter-America’s Adventist-laymen’s services and Industries (ASI) held its 8th annual convention this year in Cancun, Mexico, from Aug. 8-12. For the Seventh-day Adventist professionals who gathered for the event, Cancun wasn’t just a place to enjoy the sun, but a place to confirm the committed drive and service that moves them to further God’s cause throughout their business and communities.

“His Hands, Our Victory” was the resounding spiritual message during the four-day event, held at Great Parnassus Resort and Spa. ASI members were reminded of the success and victory they can have as they use their talents and businesses while being led by God to benefit others. In addition to being treated to musical presentations and worship programs, attendees also networked and participated in seminars on subjects such as professional development, business management, family, witnessing to upper classes and personal finance, among others.

At the height of the event, Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, emphasized the importance of collaborating together for God’s cause.

“Jesus emphasized the need to work together,” Pastor Leito said. “It’s not about competing, it’s not about substitution, Jesus emphasized that all should work for the good of the cause.”

“God has given you goods to advance in your businesses, He has given you experience and this is all necessary for the success of the work, because the church needs you to help make better decisions, it’s not about competition, the point is to use the gifts available in the church. All united in teamwork to finish the work. It’s not a competition, it is complementing for the good of the God’s church.”

This unity between ASI and the church is what organizers and church leaders would like to see more of throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory as the potential for ASI to benefit the church is greater each year.

“I can see that with everyone united, we can become a strong force,” said Juan Pablo Rosa, president of ASI Inter-America. “We can be a strength because we have 34 countries in Inter-America.”

Bringing this message to Adventist professionals is one of the challenges in IAD. Since ASI in the IAD was formed eight years ago, the membership has grown to 800 among its 12 chapters, yet more needs to be done to promote it, said Rosa.

“We want to promote ASI, attract more professionals because we need to reach out to make a greater difference,” he added.

Rosa, a businessman from the Dominican Republic, said he is excited to be part of the organization and has been pushing to have its official website launched before the end of the year. The new website promises to provide chapter members, prospective members and online users with information, tips and stories on the difference ASI chapters and members are making throughout their communities.

In addition, Rosa said that plans are underway to have an ASI quarterly magazine available later this year. The new magazine will include topics on health, business, spiritual nourishment and more.

Next year’s ASI Inter-America Convention is scheduled to be held in the Dominican Republic.

ASI is an organization of Seventh-day Adventist Church members who work in the private sector. ASI members recognize that time, talents, treasures and temple of the body belong to God. Accordingly, they believe that vocations can be and shoudl be a ministry to aid in the advancement of the great gospel commission (Luke 19:13; Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 469). ASI is committed to supporting the Seventh-day Adventist Churchand its various outreach programs, which include health, education, evangelism, community services, family concerns and special projects.

For further information on ASI Inter-America visit us at

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens/IAD

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