Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad & Tobago…[Del Charles/IAD Staff]

Hundreds of alumni and friends converged on the campus of the University of Southern Caribbean (USC) last month for a week long celebration of its 80th anniversary. Celebration activities at the university, located in Port of Spain, Trinidad, took place Aug. 3-12.

Dr. Trevor George Gardner, in his third year as president of USC, expressed his commitment to ensuring that USC contributes positively toward the educational development of the nation of Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean. He shared with those present his belief that a successful education system must be values-based.

“Our quality control at USC is not merely academic, but control of character development, morality, ethics and integrity, and we will hold to the tenets of that which has really made us a different institution,” Gardner noted.

Those participating in the week-long celebration activities were able to enjoy musical presentations, participate in professional seminars, visit ‘shut-in’ alumni in the island, visit neighboring islands, and mingle with visiting philanthropists and sponsors who have supported USC in general as well as those who have committed themselves to providing scholarships for needy students from the Caribbean region.

The Hon. Kenneth Valley, Trinidad and Tobago's Minister of Trade, Industry and Commerce, spoke on the need for USC to join the country’s University of West Indies and the University of Trinidad in Tobago to provide a trained workforce for society. He noted that training and development are intrinsic to the success of the trade and industry sector.

“Training is not only about the acquiring of special skills, but a tool in producing balanced citizens,” said Valley. “Continuous training and development will create the opportunities for all individuals to contribute and participate in the generation and distribution of the country's wealth.”

The celebration concluded with a special closing program where Dr. Fitzroy Maitland, president of the USC Alumni Association, N.A., gave a check on behalf of the Alumni Association of US $80,000 to Dr. Gardner, one thousand for each year since USC’s establishment.USC, formerly known as Caribbean Union College, was established August of 1927 and is the longest existing Tertiary Education institution in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago committed to the provision of quality Christian education for the Caribbean region and the world. USC offers a number of graduate, bachelor

’s establishment.USC, formerly known as Caribbean Union College, was established August of 1927 and is the longest existing Tertiary Education institution in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago committed to the provision of quality Christian education for the Caribbean region and the world. USC offers a number of graduate, bachelor’s and associate degrees from its five academic schools.

For more details on USC’s 80th anniversary celebration and USC’s degree programs, visit www.usc.edu.tt

Image by Image by ANN. University of Southern Caribbean
Image by Image by ANN University of Southern Caribbean

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