Barquisimeto, Venezuela…[IAD Staff]

In response to some inaccurate information circulating via email regarding the closing of Venezuelan Adventist University in Nirgua, Venezuela, church leaders released a statement to clarify some issues brought up by a new educational reform affecting Venezuela’s state and privately owned universities.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, stated regarding the email which seeked readers to pray because functionaries of the ministry of education in the country could close the Adventist-owned university, that emails circulating inaccurate information should be corroborated/verified before sent out as facts.

“It would be good that before these things are circulated, the official church be contacted locally to verify the facts,” stated Pastor Leito.

“It is true that there is a proposal to change the law concerning educational reform and children’s affairs in Venezuela that has us very concerned, but the issue [of the university] in Nirgua and other 14 state universities, is a matter that has the attention of the top leadership of the church there and there are people who have decided to cause harm with a political agenda,” the statement went on. “However, as a result of a meeting between [Venezuela’s] minister of education and church and university officials, the matter has been resolved.

The church leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Venezuela which operates the Venezuelan Adventist University have released a statement as well as a detailed schedule of activities which have taken place during the educational reform matter (see pdf file attached).

“Our church is open to any investigations and its intention is to cooperate fully with the government, civil, military and social authorities to clear any inaccurate and comments and information” the statement read.

The Venezuela Adventist University is an university in Nirgua, Yaracuy, run by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Venezuela offers undergraduate degrees to its hundreds of students every year.

For the church statment and detailed schedule of activities (in Spanish) on this matter click here

Image by Image by ANN. Venezuela Adventist University

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