July 14, 2008 Denver, Colorado, United States…Mark A. Kellner, Adventist Review

A group of Seventh-day Adventist Internet pioneers were honored by the Communication Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists during the 2008 Global Internet Evangelism Forum held here July 11. At the same time a separate award program offering as much as $67,500 in annual prizes was announced to drive further innovation in technology and ministry.

“Very often we look into the future without recognizing that which is meritorious for us already,” said Rajmund Dabrowski, director of communication for the General Conference, in announcing the “Adventist netAward,” which will become an annual recognition of service in technology.

The first winners announced were:

Darryl Hosford, Berrien Springs, Michigan, “for continuing the vision to communicate the Gospel through Internet technology and commitment to grow the Seventh-day Adventist Internet community.” He is the founder of Hosford Web Services and SimpleUpdates.com, which hosts the Adventist Review and Adventist World Web sites. He also created the breakthrough Web site for the NET98 evangelistic outreach.

BibleInfo.com and founder Fred Hardinge, Spokane, Washington, who in 1995 began creating the Web pages that became this online Bible answers Web site. His award came “For development of a Seventh-day Adventist ministry tool, for outreach to online communities and communicating the value of Bible study on the Web.”

Ron Vhymeister, professor, department of business, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines. He was recognized “for fostering the use of online technology in the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, specifically reaching the unreached people groups in the '10/40 Window' through the Internet.”

Gordon Harty/Sean Carney — “For pioneering involvement in the application of technology and networking for Seventh-day Adventist mission, including the establishment of Three Angels' Global Networking, TAGnet.”

John Beckett, now director of the General Conference's Office of Global Software and Technology, was previously Webmaster for the church for eight years. Beckett was awarded “for fostering awareness of technological advances to expand the ministry and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”

Thomas and Violet Zapara, Laguna Beach, California, whom Dabrowski described as “business people who are also known for their profound commitment to the ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and for sharing the gospel.” The Zaparas, who helped fund technology developments, were recognized “For visionary support and for empowering others to use technology for the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”

Separately, prizes were announced by Hart Research Center and TAGnet to foster creativity in online development. The annual “Adventist netPrize” will feature an overall grand prize of $15,000, and awards in the categories of communication, mission/evangelism and education of a first prize of $10,000, second prize $5,000 and third prize, $2,500. Further details on the award criteria and entry details will be available shortly, said Danny Houghton, executive vice president of TAGnet.

The Global Internet Evangelism Forum is an annual gathering of Adventist Church technologists, supplemented by periodic regional meetings. More information on the event is available at gien.adventist.org.

Image by Image by ANN. Gerry Chudleigh/ANN

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