September 3, 2008 Silver Spring, Maryland, United States…ANN staff

Local Seventh-day Adventist Church relief volunteers are providing aid after Hurricane Gustav hit the Gulf Coast of the United States Monday. Adventist Community Service Disaster Response (ACS DR) workers are passing out food, clothing and personal care items and organizing shelter for thousands of hurricane victims.

ACS volunteers are helping place 6,000 evacuees in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee, and over 11,000 evacuees in South Carolina. Fort Worth and San Antonio area churches are opening their buildings to provide sleeping arrangements for displaced persons.

Ron Whitehead, director of The Center for Youth Evangelism, said 75 to 100 college students have volunteered to help with disaster response work.

About a million people evacuated the southern coastal region before Gustav hit September 1.

Aid is also being provided in countries where Gustav has already hit. In Haiti last week, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) provided basic food items to more than 250 sheltered families.

For more information about relief efforts, visit and

Image by Image by ANN. Marvin Lowman

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