September 2, 2008 – Tegucigalpa, Honduras…[Walter Ciguenza/IAD Staff]

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Central American countries of Honduras and El Salvador recently inaugurated its new headquarter offices. Hundreds of church leaders and members were present at the inauguration ceremony in Tegucigalpa, Honduras Aug. 31, 2008.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America spoke to the more than 300 gathered to continue preparing and working for Jesus's second coming.

“The time is near…the unemployment, financial condition, the family disintegration, it all points to Jesus second coming,” he said.

As Pastor Leito cut the ribbon to the new three-story building, he encouraged church leaders and members to continue testifying for God.

“As we dedicate this beautiful building, let us remember to be witnesses for God and reflect on His greatness,” said Pastor Leito.

The new headquarters features 15 offices, a conference room, a cafeteria and a parking garage in the community of Puertas del Sol in Tegucigalpa.

Since its establishment as a new organized church region in 2003, the Mid-Central American Union was in need of its own facilities. The new building will provide the much needed facility for the church leadership to tend to the fast growing membership in Honduras and El Salvador.

The Mid-Central American Union has more than 372,000 Seventh-day Adventist worshiping in more than 1,000 churches and congregations, and operates nine church regions, and 63 elementary and secondary schools.

Image by Image by ANN. Mid-Central American Union/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Mid-Central American Union/IAD

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