October 23, 2008, Tuxtla Guitierrez, Chiapas, Mexico…[Raul Lozano/IAD Staff]

Hundreds of thousands of Seventh-day Adventist were involved in the preparation and distribution of over 80,000 meals in poor communities throughout South Mexico during Inter-America's Day of Kindness and Compassion on Oct. 11, 2008.

Communities in Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo were among the regions where boxed meals were distributed for the less fortunate.

An event sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Adventist and Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the Day of Kindness and Compassion sought to promote benevolence toward the needy by alleviating their hunger, not only in Mexico, but throughout the Inter-American Division territory. The effort took months of planning and required coordination with local government authorities.

In Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, volunteers were excited to see people's faces as they participated in delivering the boxed meals to those in need.

“This is one of the most comforting activities there are, to help other people,” said Rosenberg Hernandez, a volunteer from Los Manguitos community.

“This event entailed such a blessing because the church learned to be kind and unselfish as it reached out to help those in need,” said Humberto Lara, ADRA Coordinator for the Central Chiapas region.

Jose Angel Salinas, a volunteer of the Merida Norte Adventist Church, agrees.

“It is important for people to know about us Sabbath-keepers as they call us, not only because we are a religious organization but because we can also share our bread and our friendship,” he said.

“It's the love for God which makes a person develop a love for humanity,” said Pastor Benjamin Carballo, youth ministries director for the church in South Mexico as he reflected on the Scriptures during a spacial program in Las Granjas, in Tuxtla Guitierrez.

“Jesus gives us the right to be called sons and daughters of God and if God is the Father and we are His children, we make a family! That is why, in the name of Jesus Christ, tonight we want to tell you that ‘we love you,” he said to the gathering.

Similar programs were held in community centers, parks and neighborhoods in 14 countries throughout Inter-America.

Image by Image by ANN. Raul Lozano/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Raul Lozano/IAD

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