December 6, 2008 – Mandeville, Jamaica…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Glimar Garcia Olivera of the Cuba Union church region was grand prize winner in today's grand finale competition of Inter-America's fifth annual youth Bible Bowl. Garcia had a total score of 420 and was trailed by Federico Daniel Mendez of the Central Mexican Union who took the second place and Ambar Marin Lopez of the Puerto Rican Union took the third place spot.

All 15 finalists traveled to Mandeville, Jamaica to answer questions on the Book of Isaiah in front of a live audience of nearly 1,000 people who witnessed the live two hour event which was streamed live over the internet.

More details of this Bible bowl event will be available soon.

Image by Image by ANN. Nigel Coke/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Nigel Coke

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