August 26, 2009 – Bridgetown, Barbados…[James Daniel/IAD Staff]

Inter-America's Adventist-layman's Services and Industries (ASI) convention held its 10th annual conference at the Sir Garfield Sobers Auditorium in Barbados from August 19-22, 2009. The convention featured seminars, musical presentations, and testimonies on witnessing in the marketplace. The ceremony on the final day saw nearly 200 delegates and thousands of church members in attendance.

Themed Triumphant by His Grace-Sharing Christ in the Marketplace, the convention covered topics such as small business management, professional development, media ministries, among many others.

During his keynote address, Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, said there are some who believe “if the Lord has blessed you then you are saved.” However, he countered that “it is not by your riches or status that you are saved, but by God's Holy Spirit working in you. Abundance of riches is no indication of salvation.”

Pastor Leito also said there are some who ask, just as Peter did, what is the reward for following Jesus? Pastor Leito pointed out that Jesus assured the disciples that there is something in it for them but cautioned them not to expect instant gratification.

“Adventists who ask what's in it for us–for all the sacrifices we have made, for all that we have endured–remember what Jesus said: Don't expect instant gratification. Live the life of hope,” Pastor Leito added.

In a passionate address delivered on Friday night at the Breath of Life Church, Pastor David Gates of Gospel Ministries International called on the packed audience to be part of God's “special forces”. Utilizing that military concept to get his message across, Pastor Gates said that “Special Forces do what the regular army cannot do-they go into extremely dangerous situations and pull off extraordinary feats. We need to be God's Special Forces to go into the marketplace and rescue people who are trapped in the condition of sin.”

Guest speaker Pastor Ted Wilson, vice president for the Adventist World Church, gave the final charge and encouraged chapter members to take the messages of Revelation 13 to every people group and in every market place for “those angels carried the most magnificent news-salvation through Jesus Christ.”

Pastor Leon Wellington, vice president of the church in Inter-America and secretary of the ASI Inter-America, said that this year's convention had a special element where chapter members went out to the churches for seminars and programs.

“This allowed many of the church members to get a better understanding of what ASI really is all about,” he said.

“ASI is an evangelistic entity of the church to help achieve its [the church's] mission,” Pastor Wellington added. “Many people view ASI as an exclusive club but it is a wrong view, it galvanizes the potential of the professionals and business persons among us to accomplish the same mission objectives at their level of operation.”

The Caves Nursing Home, which is a local ASI project sponsored and managed by the Barbados ASI chapter, will benefit from this year's donations collected at the end of the convention.

The next ASI Inter-America annual convention is scheduled to be held in Jamaica in August 2011. ASI local chapters throughout Inter-America are scheduled to meet regionally next year.

To watch video streaming of Inter-America's 10th ASI Annual Convention, click here

ASI is the organization of professional Seventh-day Adventists in industry, education, and services interested in sharing Christ in the marketplace and supporting the global mission of the church. ASI's philosophy promotes a Christ-centered lifestyle, manifested by a commitment to daily partnership with God.

For more information on ASI Inter-America, visit

Image by Image by ANN. Caribbean Union/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Caribbean Union/IAD

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