January 31, 2010 – Miami, Florida, United States…[Libna Stevens/IAD]
As communication technology advances at a fast pace, so must church communicators advance their skills in order to keep the church visible across new and emerging forms of media. During a two-day advisory held Jan. 20-21, at the Inter-American Division (IAD) headquarter office in Miami, FL, church communication leaders from throughout the IAD territory gathered to do just that.
“Our main objective was to inform our directors of their duties as communicators as they interact with the media, write news, produce television programs and engage in church events,” said Pastor Leon B. Wellington, vice president and communication director for the church in Inter-America.
The advisory is part of an annual training for all union communication directors which takes place and for new directors which are appointed during the quinquennium, according to Pastor Wellington.
Communication directors from most of the unions in the Division territory reported on their activities and programs related to communication and technology in their respective territories.
Two special awards were granted during the advisory to three communicators who excelled in increasing the visibility of the church in the media and on the web.
Nigel Coke, communication director for the church in the West Indies Union, was recognized with a special plaque in recognition of his excellent work in journalism in his union, supplying the most news articles during the last five years.
“I thank the leadership and communication team in Inter-America for their strategic approach to communication and for recognizing excellence in this critical area of the church’s work,” he said. Coke reminded his fellow colleagues to strive for excellence as they play an important part in the fulfillment of the gospel commission.
Rodolfo Escobar, communication director for the church in the Venezuela Antilles Union, as well as Marco Salas, communication director for the church in the East Venezuela Union, were recognized for their outstanding implementation and promotion of the netAdventist websites throughout their territories for 2009.
“Both unions, in addition to organizing training events during the last few months, created official websites on the netAdventist platform making these available to church members. These websites contain quality of resources, visuals and graphics which enrich the organizational communication and heighten the image of the church,” said Abel Marquez, associate communication director for the church in Inter-America.
Escobar, who was thankful for the award for the efforts of his team back home, said that this type of [netAdventist] platform for website inspired him to offer alternatives to the church membership in the technical aspect.
“There is something else that inspires,” Escobar said. “Networking with the colleagues from other unions, learning what they are doing and what results they have obtained in the area of communication, is very enriching.”
Communicators also were briefed on their duties during the upcoming General Conference session to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, in June 2010. Guest presenter included Ansel Oliver, assistant director for Adventist News Network and Garrett Caldwell, associate director for Public Relations for the Adventist World Church, as well as Sandra Juarez of the Adventist Church’s Esperanza TV.