January 8, 2010 – Fort-de-France, Martinique…[Daniel Lassonnier/IAD Staff]
The French island of Martinique became the 113th country into which the Traveling Bible entered on Dec. 22, 2009. A crowd of church leaders and Seventh-day Adventists welcomed the arrival of the historic Bible at the Aimé Césaire International Airport, in Fort de France.
Pastor Max Rene Laurent, president of the church in the French-Antilles Guiana union which overseas French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique, received the Bible. He addressed the assembly, stressing the significant role of the Bible in a decadent world and the relevance of its message of salvation for today’s generation.
The long-awaited Bible became the center of attention as dozens of churches focused on the importance of the Bible during their Sabbath worship services on Dec. 26. More than 5,000 Bibles were distributed throughout the surrounding communities. They were also given out at a number of prisons.
Adventist young people dressed in their Adventurer Club, Pathfinder and Masterguide uniforms marched through the streets of Fort-de-France, arriving at Athanasius Plaza, where a special Bible festival program took place.
Vauclin Mayor Raymond Occolier welcomed and spoke to the hundreds gathered there.
“I have great affection for the Adventist movement,” he said. “I see the work that you do at a time when Martinique and the world are sick,” said Mayor Occolier. “It is an extraordinary thing to see that in the world there are men and women who, according to Scripture, have not bowed their knees before Baal and have set themselves apart to please God. That cheers me a great deal.”
“I am very happy also to welcome you because you are part of those who share the most wonderful secret that humanity should have,” he continued. “They do not know what you know, that is the secret of happiness found in that Book.”
Bible readings were echoed during the afternoon as a core group of people read the unique Bible in French, Haitian Creole, English, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Persian, German, Dutch, and Hebrew.
Adventist Radio Esperance 91.6 FM and National RFO TV covered the day’s event live.
The unique Bible also made a brief stop in neighboring Guadeloupe on Dec. 27, where local church leaders and members participated in a special Bible emphasis celebration.
In anticipation of the Traveling Bible, Seventh-day Adventists throughout Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana have been participating in Bible reading marathons, Bible competitions, gospel concerts, Bible expos, and other Follow the Bible initiatives since last July.
The Traveling Bible traveled to Puerto Rico on Jan. 2, where it will remain until the weekend.
To view a photo gallery of the traveling Bible in Martinique, visit http://flickr.com/photos/interamerica