February 6, 2010 – Miami, Florida, United States…[IAD Staff]

A group of Inter-America’s Adventist students and young professionals will get a chance to talk with Adventist World Church President Pastor Jan Paulsen during a live one-hour, unscripted and unedited broadcast. The program, another in the “Let’s Talk” series, will take place on Saturday, Feb. 6, in San Salvador, El Salvador.

The participants are from Spanish-speaking countries in the Inter-American Division territory, such as Mexico, Central America, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela.

“We are excited that our young people will get to participate in this live program with our World Church president,” says Pastor Bernardo Rodriguez, youth ministries director for Inter-America.

“Our church in Inter-America is made up of a strong youth membership and they are part of the church’s success today and for the future,” he added.

The Let’s Talk Feb. 6 broadcast will be carried live on Esperanza TV in Spanish http://www.esperanzatv.org/ with simultaneous English translation on Hope Channel on http://www.hopetv.org/ at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (7:00 p.m. local El Salvador time).

The program will also be broadcast live from the television studio of San Salvador’s Channel 33 in Spanish.

Image by Image by ANN. Abel Marquez/IAD

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