February 8, 2010 – Mayaguez, Puerto Rico….[IAD Staff]

Seventh-day Adventist leaders officially broke ground for a new building to house the church’s headquarter office in Puerto Rico. The ceremony took place in Mayaguez on Feb. 1 and was witnessed by leaders and church members alike.

The new facility will allow the 12 member and growing staff to attend to the business of the church and a membership of more than 37,000.

“We hope that everyone who passes the building and enters the building will find the Lord within these walls,” said Pastor Jose A. Rodriguez, president of the church in Puerto Rico, during the breaking grounds ceremony.

According to Pastor Freddy Sosa, communication director for the church in Puerto Rico, the new headquarter office is expected to be completed in approximately 16 months. The building will have 20 offices, a conference room, a cafeteria, and a spacious parking area.

From 1961 until 2002, the church had its headquarters stationed in Rio Piedras, yet moved its operations to Mayaguez to be closer to its hospital and university.

Image by Image by ANN. Puerto Rican Union/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Puerto Rican Union/IAD

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