April27, 2010 – Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic…[Rene Gomez/IAD Staff]

The Adventist-owned Vista del JardinMedical Center in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, recently opened a newpediatric ward. The April 15 inauguration ceremony drew church leaders anddozens more.

“May the main objective of thisAdventist health institution be to give medical services to everyone that comesin regardless of color or race so that you can make the difference amongotherhealth institutions,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church inInter-America, during the event.

“God is sending us to give the best ofourselves to provide excellent care which people deserve,” he continued.“Weare not after money but after prevention, healing and hope.”

The new ward, which occupies the fourthfloor, features 26 rooms and a playroom. Paintings of Bible stories decoratethe hallways.

During the short ceremony, PastorCesario Acevedo, president of the church in the Dominican Republic, thanked theInter-American Division president for his support. He gave special thanks toFlorida Hospital-Lake Placid administrator Warren Santander for his commitmentto providing medical equipment and administrative support.

An institution operated by the churchin the Dominican Republic, Vista del Jardin Medical Center has been offeringoutpatient and inpatient care since it opened in 2007. The 47-bed hospitalsees an average of 250 patients a day. Church leaders hope to complete twoother floors which will include an additional 26 beds and new administrativeoffice

Image by Image by ANN. Rene Gomez/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Rene Gomez/IAD

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