May 19, 2010 – Miami, Florida, United States…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Inter-America’s Executive Committee opened its business meetings yesterday with a special prayer and praise celebration for God’s blessings and continued growth during the last five-year period. The special opening ceremony, held in Miami, Florida, carried a spiritual tone as top leaders of the church participated in scripture readings, progress statements, and prayer sessions.

“We are so thankful for the 1,008,066 new members added to the family of believers in the Inter-American Division,” stated Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America. “It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that this has been possible.”

Leaders paused to reflect on the progress of the church during the last quinquennium (2005-2010), which saw four new union territories organized, three sister unions becoming union conferences, 21 missions becoming conferences and 17 new fields organizing throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory. Today, the IAD boasts 3.2 million church members.

Church leaders praised the work of a dedicated laity and consecrated ministry for their commitment in spreading the Word to thousands. Leaders also recognized the faithfulness of the membership for their tithes and generous offerings in support of the mission of the church, and for the unity among church regions to aid their neighboring countries during natural disasters.

Under the theme “More Like Jesus”, Adventist leaders prayed for the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit, a deeper connection with Christ, preparedness for Jesus’ Second Coming and for continued growth throughout the IAD in the next five years.

Pastor Lowell Cooper, general vice president for the Adventist World Church, spoke to the more 100 gathered leaders. He encouraged them to be more like Jesus, to see Him as the Bible paints Him, to imitate His character and not deviate from drawing from the power that He offers as they lead the church.

“You cannot see a sad picture when you see a picture of Christ,” said Pastor Cooper. “You are moved to joy and you are moved to action. A church that sees Christ cannot be an idle church, cannot be an ordinary group of humanity…the church will see joy and will move to action. Show the church the picture of Jesus,” he concluded.

Once the meetings were officially opened, church leaders got down to business.

Among the items approved included survey reports for new fields to be organized and operating policies for the new union missions approved earlier this year, as well as authorized events and meetings for the next two years and policy amendments.

Committee members also voted on the decision of the Dominican Union and West Indies Union to donate their scheduled 13th Sabbath offerings to Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake which destroyed dozens of churches and schools in January. A special commendation was given to the West Central African Division for giving their scheduled time of the fourth quarter of 2010 in exchange for the third quarter of 2011.

“We thank the Dominican and West Indies Union for this sacrifice to help the work of the church in Haiti,” said Pastor Leito. “These unions are giving up their slots without knowing when they be scheduled in the coming years for this special 13th offering.”

The offering collected will be used to assist in rebuilding and refurbishing the women’s residence hall at Haiti Adventist University, rebuilding and refurbishing 50 destroyed and damaged churches, and assisting 1,000 children with school preparation and supplies.

Among other items approved for Inter-America’s new education strategy for the new quinquenium included continuous promotions of the Adventist educational systems through its primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Teachers and school principals will keep only promotional materials of Adventist colleges and universities and that recognition be given to university professors and faculty in the recruitment of university students. A set of guidelines for setting the remuneration of education personnel in the territory was also approved.

Initiatives and events brought by the Strategic Planning Committee were also approved.

Inter-America’s Mid-Year Executive meetings are scheduled to end May 20, 2010. For updates on the initiatives voted, visit

For a photo gallery of the meetings, visit

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens/IAD

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