June 30, 2010 – Atlanta, Georgia, United States…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Delegates of the Inter-American Division met briefly today in the Georgia World Congress Center to appoint members of the Nominating Committee which will submit names for vice presidents and department directors to lead the vast church region.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, spoke to the IAD delegation and explained the meeting had been pushed ahead to allow the process to take shape as soon as positions were filled in the General Conference headquarter leadership.

Dr. Elie Henry, newly elected executive secretary for the church in Inter-America, read IAD’s Working Policy B 0515 on the Election/Appointment of Division Staff. The policy states that members of the Nominating Committee include all union presidents and ten percent of the delegation of each union.

Fifty-four members will make part of the IAD’s Nominating Committee to choose its Division staff. The composition of this nominating committee will include: 20 union presidents, 5 union administrators, 2 union institution administrators, 9 local field presidents, 6 district pastors, 5 women, 3 young people, and 4 laypeople.

The 54 committee members will be led by Division president as chairperson, division secretary as the secretary, and the division treasurer as treasurer of the nominating committee.

A vote was taken by Inter-America’s Executive Committee to expand to include all the delegates at the General Conference session to be part of the governing body to elect leaders.

IAD’s Nominating Committee to nominate the Division staff is schedule to take place later on tomorrow.

For the latest news updates on the GC Session as well as news affecting the church in Inter-America, visit us at www.interamerica.org

Image by Image by ANN. Jose Romero/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Jose Romero/IAD

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