June 27, 2010 – Atlanta, Georgia, United States…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Caribbean Union
The Caribbean Union’s Steel Band beat its drums throughout the Exhibit Hall at the Georgia World Congress Center during day four of the church’s business meetings in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dozens gathered at the Inter-American Division booth to see and hear the music of these drums which are traditional instruments in this region of about 20 islands.

“Our church in the Caribbean is still reaching people through the work of public evangelism,” says James Daniel, communication director of the church in the Caribbean Union region. “We are a people that goes down in the valley to spread the message.”

Small group ministries is a strength in bringing new believers into the church.

Comprised of eight church fields, the Caribbean Union operates nearly 600 churches and congregations and has more than 209,000 church members.

Mid-Central American Union

Boasting the largest union in the Inter-American Division with more than 416,000 church members, the Mid Central American Union is comprised of the countries of Honduras and El Salvador.

“Our people in Honduras and El Salvador are characterized as a people on fire with the Holy Spirit and a force of committed laypeople working in our small groups and congregations,” says Walter Ciguenza communication director of the church in the Mid-Central American Union.

With more than 1,000 small congregations, Pastor Ciguenza says that the secret recipe of the church’s growth success is “hard work, hard work, and hard work. That’s like the perfume of the champions,” he said.

To view a video report of today’s activity at the Inter-American Division exhibit, click here

Image by Image by ANN. Lizbeth Elejalde/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Lizbeth Elejalde/IAD

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