August 7, 2010 – Barquisimeto, Venezuela…Libna Stevens/IAD

Pastor Ted N. C. Wilson,president of the Adventist World Church arrived in the city of Barquisimeto,Venezuela, today as pathfinders and members welcomed him hours before day twoof centennial celebrations will take place.

Thousands of Seventh-dayAdventists are expected to gather at the Feria Bicentenial stadium tomorrow, Aug. 8, for a day ofcommemorative activities including a keynote address by Pastor Wilson, wordstop Inter-American Division leaders, music features, and more.

Hosted by Venezuela AntillesUnion, or region, the program will be webcast beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight’s Time or8:30 a.m. Venezuela Time.

To view the live programvisit www.interamerica.orgor

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD

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