November 2, 2010 – San Juan, Puerto Rico…Libna Stevens/IAD

Seventh-day Adventist leaders from throughout Inter-America were updated on the development and financial growth of the boards of its top institutional organizations during a full day of meetings in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Nov. 1, 2010. Church leaders also elected leaders to manage these institutions for the next five-year period.

The Inter-American Theological Seminar (IATS), which offers masters and doctoral degrees to its ministers throughout nine sites throughout its territory, reported that it is pursuing accreditation to offer a number of academic degrees in the coming months.

Already IATS is offering a number of post -graduate degrees to its 380 ministers spread across the territory. The seminary offers Masters in Arts in Pastoral Theology in Youth Ministry, Chaplaincy, Church Growth and Pastoral Leadership, Family Life and General studies. Also, IATS offers a Masters in Arts in Religion with emphasis in Biblical-Theological Studies, Pastoral Studies and Theological Studies. In addition, doctorates in Ministry and in Philosophy in Old Testament and New Testament studies will be offered soon.

Plans are underway to begin the process of establishing a new IATS site in Haiti, said Dr. Jaime Castrejon, who was re-elected as president of IATS. Castrejon has served as IATS president in 1996 and was instrumental in establishing the seminary which has now graduated now more than 400 ministers.

Voted in to serve another five-year term were Dr. Efrain Velazquez, vice president of academic affairs, Guillermo Gonzalez as vice president for financial affairs, and Ketlie Henry for admissions and records.

The Inter-American Education Center, a center offering undergraduate courses online in association with Griggs University, reported that it has offered courses to over 60 students throughout the region and plans to strengthen its programs in the coming months as soon as the new IEC leaders is elected, reported Dr. Myrna Costa, former director of the center and now vice president of the church in Inter-America.

Plans are to enlist more students as the IEC offers two new master degrees one in administration and church leadership, and another masters in online design instruction, according to Costa who oversees the center and operations in the meantime.

“We are in search of a director for this center and hope that in the coming months, this center can continue strong offering undergraduate and graduate degrees to our teachers and members,” Costa said. Costa said top church leaders are searching for the IEC director to head the online institution.

Adventist Health International Services Inter-America voted its by-laws to allow all of its 13 hospitals and 21 clinics throughout the territory to benefit from its partnership with Adventist Health International-a management organization formed in Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, which partners with Adventist healthcare services in developing countries to strengthen management and mobilize personnel and resources to promote quality health care.

Inter-American hospitals and clinics will continue to be operated by their local church organization under partnership with AHIS and AHIS-IA to help structure boards and provide technical support and resources.

Montemorelos University Board
As the only institution operated directly by the Inter-American Division, Montemorelos University reported its growth, new degrees, its strategic plans for the next five years, and its current finances during its end-of-the-year board meeting.

Ismael Castillo, president of Montemorelos University, said that the institution’s vision for the year 2020 has been to instill in their young students a passion for service around the world.

With over 3,098 students on campus and through its various extension sites, Montemorelos University currently offers 29 undergraduate degrees and 32 post-graduate degrees. Current enrolled students represent 48 different countries and 95 percent are Seventh-day Adventists, according to Castillo.

Church leaders voted to approve a progress report on recommendations made by different accrediting visits to the institution. Ninety-five of the 102 recommendations have been fulfilled and the remaining seven are in the process of being fulfilled.

The university will be conducting an internal analysis and self-evaluation in the coming months as their strategic plan for the coming years take shape, said Castillo.

With its television channel and radio station running daily, Montemorelos University continues to impact its surrounding community through various outreach programs in health, and educational programs.

Castillo announced that the institution will offer a doctoral degree in administration beginning summer of 2011.

Top leaders of the university for the next five years will be elected during the upcoming Executive Committee in May of 2011.

The Board of Higher Education approved a special agreement of collaboration between Angola Adventist University and Montemorelos University in their bachelor of arts program in Theology.

Also approved was a master of arts degree in Nutrition program at the Navojoa University in Mexico.

Northern Caribbean University, based in Jamaica, also was approved for a master of science degree in Information Systems.

GEMA publishing house, Inter-America’s second largest publishing house serving Mexico reported on its outstanding growth during the last five years.

Erwin Gonzalez, GEMA president reported that 8.8 million dollars worth of publications were sold during the 2005-2010 period. Total sales were 2009, a total sales of 4.3 million dollars were sold in 2009, a 1.6 million dollar increase from 2005.

“We are advancing with our vision to sell three million books in our country and serve our 750,000 church members, 30 local fields and 4 unions in Mexico,” said Gonzalez. “We are very happy to produce our own publications and share with the world.”

According to Gonzalez, GEMA has been focused on updating its corporate image, upgrade its 47 book stores, providing new books for colporteurs and increase it sales to other Christian bookstores in Mexico.

GEMA continues to produce and print Adventist magazines, books and co-productions with Pacific Press, Review and Herald and Inter-American Division Publishing Association.

Voted in to serve the next five years as GEMA’s top leaders were: Erwin Gonzalez as president, Fernando Quiros as vice president of finances, Alejandro Medina as vice president of editorial services, Abel Sanchez as director of production; and Antonio Gil as director of promotions.

The Inter-American Health Food Company reported on its operating budget for 2011 and re-elected its top administrators for the coming five years.

With its seven major branches throughout Inter-America, nutritional products such as soya milk, vegetable protein, whole wheat products and more throughout Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad, and Venezuela.

Board members re-elected Joel Zukovski, as general manager, Juan Martin Meza for finances, and Adolfo Ruiz for research and development, for the next five years.

Church leaders will continue to meet during the week to vote on initiatives and plans affecting the church in Inter-America.

For more on Inter-America’s Executive Committee actions taken this week, visit

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Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens/IAD

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