November 2, 2010 – San Juan, Puerto Rico…Libna Stevens/IAD

Seventh-day Adventistleaders from Puerto Rico welcomed dozens of top church leaders from throughoutthe Inter-American Division as they gathered on the island’s capital city ofSan Juan for two days of board meetings of its institutional organizations, onNov. 1-2, 2010.

“We are so happy that youare here and have stepped on this beautiful land,” said Pastor Jose A.Rodriguez, president of the church in Puerto Rico, minutes after a culturalpresentation was given by students of the Metropolitan Adventist Academy at theEliezer Melendez Youth Center.

Pastor Rodriguezgreeted those present on behalf of the more than 36,600 church members and thankedthe administration of the IAD for holding its board meetings in Puerto Rico.Executive committee meetings will continue in Martinique later this week.

Church leaders got to tastethe islands typical dish during a special dinner banquet.

The church in Puerto Ricooperates more than 300 churches and congregations, a hospital and clinic anddozens of schools throughout the island.

For a photo gallery of the event, visit us at

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD

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