April 21, 2011 – Mexico City, Mexico…Roberto Baños/IAD Staff

During the Inter-America’s Pathfinder Camporee, the Salvationin Symbols ministry from Montemorelos University has been showcasing asanctuary model for pathfinders and campers at Ciudad Deportiva. More than 3,500 people of various ages and cultures have had theopportunity to view the model.

Since the ministry was established in 2008, theportable sanctuary, which is usually stationed on the campus of MontemorelosUniversity, has made its way to different events throughout Mexico and theUnited States.

Roberto Baños, an engineering professor incharge Salvation in Sympols, leads students and teachers through theexperience. He says that the ministry is committed to fulfilling themission Christ left to His church: To preach the good news of salvation.

The ministry carries on various activities.Among the highlighted ones is the set up of a replica of the Tabernacle of theWilderness. Its atrium measures 67.25 feet wide and 147.63 feet long. Inside the replica, guided tours for groups of up to 30 people, for about30 minutes, are carried on.

The objective is to enrich and strengthen thespiritual experience of participants in this ministry,” added Baños. “Thisis a way of presenting the gospel without barriers of gender, age, race orfaith.”

Juan Ignacio Hirreri of Mexico City, learnedthat the Day of Atonement was when the sins of the Israelites were forgiven. Healso liked the Most Holy Place because God’s presence was there.

Other pathfinders said they enjoyedthe explanation of each object and had learned more about thesanctuary.

For additional information, visit www.salvacionensimbolos.com

Image by Image by ANN. Elisa Baños/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Elisa Baños/IAD

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