April22, 2011 – Mexico City,Mexico… Raul Lozano/IAD

Morethan 260 pathfinders have made their decision for Christ and have been baptizedduring the 3rd Inter-American PathfindersCamporee in Mexico City. Children belonging to the four different unions of thecountry, wearing their pathfinder uniform, have testified of their new life inChrist as a baptismal ceremony is held each night of the camporee.

Formany children the experience of being baptized at the camporee is highlyappealing. This was the case with Valeria Rosado, a 10-year-old pathfinder fromthe Sirio Pathfinder Club in Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico, who is going to bebaptized today.

“Iwanted to be baptized a while ago, but once I knew about the camporee, I madeup my mind to be baptized here,” said Rosado.

Reasonsto participate in baptism during events like this camporee are motivated byseveral reasons. However, it is the social string what moves some kids to a decision,church leaders said. “This is a huge event; there is going to be lots ofpeople. I am thrilled just to think of being baptized before so many people,”adds Rosado.

“Thepathfinder age is the best time to make a decision for Jesus,” says PastorArcadio Gonzalez, who is responsible for organizing all baptisms duringthe camporee.

“Whenchildren get older and become teenagers, committing their life to God turns outto be challenging because the pleasures of the world are moretempting,” adds Gonzalez.

Thelast baptismal ceremony is planned for Saturday April 23, when nearly 200will enter the water.

Image by Image by ANN. Raul Lozano/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Raul Lozano/IAD

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