May 4, 2011 – Guatemala City, Guatemala…IAD staff

Seventh-day Adventist pastors from throughout Guatemala gathered in Guatemala City to participate in Inter-America’s Constant in Prayer revival initiative on April 29. The initiative seeks to promote a daily prayerful life and study of the bible.

About 130 district pastors met with top local church leaders for prayer sessions, to share testimonies of answered prayers, attend spiritual enrichment seminars and worship in song and music.

Pastor Wally Amundson, field secretary and Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) director for the church in Inter-America, spoke to the ministers on Jesus as the best example for a life of constant prayer.

“You can trust Christ to continue fulfilling His mission through you,” said Amundson. “Through His role as a good shepherd, we can lead others and inspire others to a spiritual revival,” he added.

The group of pastors vowed to commit to an active spiritual revival lifestyle as they were pinned with special buttons which read “Blessed in order to bless.”

In addition, retired ministers were honored for their contribution to the growth of the church in Guatemala which stands at more than 219,000 members.

“It was a true blessing and joy to see the ministerial body united in God’s spirit,” said Plinio Vergara, associate director for ADRA for the church in Inter-America who also spoke to the group.

Image by Image by ANN. Guatemala Union/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Plinio Vergara/IAD

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