November 23, 2011 – Medellin, Colombia…Shirley Rueda/IAD Staff

Adventist educators from Colombia, Venezuela, Aruba and Curacao gathered for a special education congress last weekend at Colombia Adventist University in Medellin, Colombia. More than 100 educators met to recommit to the education of thousands of students at dozens of Adventist schools throughout their respective regions.

“Teachers, you must never forget that you are hands in the work of God,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president for the church in Inter-America. “Remember that above any title, what is most important is to have the assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ.”

The congress was about equipping educators and principals to acquire better leadership and management skills, said Dr. Gamaliel Florez, education director for the church in Inter-America. Dr. Florez noted the fundamental role the home has as one of the three pillars in Christian education which include the home, church and school.

Dr. Florez noted the fundamental role the home has as one of the three pillars in Christian education which include the home, church and school.

The event was part of the Inter-American Division’s (IAD) larger education strategy to improve its educational system throughout the territory.

“We want to continue motivating our educators to carry on their work in fulfilling the mission of educating children and young people in our Adventist educational institutions,” said Faye Patterson, associate director of education for Inter-America.

As part of the event, 24 teachers were honored with a commissioned ministry of teaching credential pin for their valuable contribution and commitment to education.

“Today we honor you, we value you and congratulate you for your dedicated work of teaching,” said Pastor Leito.

For more on the church in North Colombia, go to

For Inter-America’s photo gallery, click here

Image by Image by ANN. Shirley Rueda/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Shirley Rueda/IAD

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