May 22, 2012– Mexico City, Mexico…Jorge Garcia/IAD Staff

Adventist business professionals from throughout Central Mexico organized the first Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) chapter in Mexico City last month. The 73 business people and church leaders from the seven states comprising the region gathered to network and commit to sharing Christ in the marketplace.

Newly appointed president David Salazar Moreno expressed the commitment of the new chapter to further the mission of the church.

“As professionals in Central Mexico, we are thankful that we can finally work in an organized way shoulder to shoulder with the church so that we can work on evangelistic projects together right away,” said Salazar. He vowed to work toward making the new ASI chapter a powerful one which glorifies God and benefits the church in the region.

ASI Inter-America’s President Marston Thomas spoke to the business professionals on the work ASI is doing in the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory and the local impact they can begin to have in Central Mexico.

Pastor Leon B. Wellington, ASI Inter-America’s secretary and vice president for the church in Inter-America, spoke on what ASI as an organization represents and its constitution’s policies.

The new ASI chapter was organized with appointed officers to coordinate business professionals and the church in the region.

For more information on ASI Inter-America’s chapter in Central Mexico, visit

Image by Image by ANN. Jorge Garcia/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Jorge Garcia/IAD

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