May 9, 2012 – Miami, Florida, United States…Libna Stevens/IAD

Dozens of Seventh-day Adventist leaders from throughout the 21 regions of the Inter-American Division (IAD) gathered yesterday to begin their mid-year executive committee meetings. Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the comprehensive spiritual revival and reformation initiative implemented throughout the territory more than a year ago. The three days of meetings are taking place in in Miami, Florida.

“In Inter-America, we are very clear and defined about revival and reformation and that is why ‘Constant in Prayer’, ‘Heeding the Word’ and ‘That the World May Know’ are a complete theme that we will be continue for years to come,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America.

After roll call was done and conflict of interest agreements were signed, IAD directors of departments and ministries presented their initiatives and activities in support of revival and reformation. They also outlined their plans, events and strategies for the rest of this year and for 2013.

Special guest speaker Christopher J. Drasbek, Pan American Health Organization’s Senior Advisor of Integrated Child Health, praised the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world for its work in improving the community through health programs and activities.

Since the memorandum of agreement signed by the World Health Organization and the Adventist world church, partnerships have been formed to benefit communities in Nicaragua, Guyana, Barbados, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico, noted Drasbek.

Drasbek encouraged and challenged IAD church leaders to partner with PAHO.

“We have to work together so that we can develop plans and strategies, so we can empower people to create positive change through ministry of health, emphasis of lifestyle and provide preventive primary health care to everyone who needs it,” said Drasbek. It’s about bridging the gaps between the wealthy and the poor so everyone has the same ability to live well and in health, he explained.

Drasbek challenged leaders to commit to getting involved in at least 10 community health projects by the end of this year.

“We want to ensure that each church becomes a center of health, a center of influence,” echoed Belkis Archbold, health ministries director for the church in Inter-America. “We must work together with PAHO to implement combined activities, share information and develop projects in each of our countries.”

In other business, executive committee members approved several survey territorial reports as follows: the South Bogota Mission was formed, East Los Llanos, Boyaca Mission and the Central Colombia Mission were upgraded to conference status in South Colombia. In addition, the St. Vincent and Grenadines missions were created, and the Isthmus and West Chiapas missions were upgraded to conference status.

In addition, the operating policies for the South Mexican Union Mission and the newly formed Southeast Mexican Union were approved.

Inter-America’s Executive Committee meetings will continue through May 10.

For more information on decisions taken during IAD’s 2012 Mid-year Executive Committee meetings, visit us at

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens/IAD

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