May 10, 2012 – Miami, Florida, United States…Libna Stevens/IAD

Inter-America’s top church leadership voted to reorganize the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Mexico into two union regions. The decision came during day two of the church’s executive committee meetings in Miami, Florida, on May 9, 2012. The decision was the result of years of careful study of the explosive growth and the need to better cater to the church membership there, church leaders said.

“This is an important configuration for the church in South Mexico,” stated Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, as he spoke to church leaders. “We now have 22 unions in Inter-America and we praise God for that,” said Pastor Leito.

The South Mexican Union has had a membership of over 306,000, some 1,070 churches, and its 11 conferences and missions, and the split will distribute the region into two union mission offices.

The South Mexican Union will cover the State of Chiapas with five conferences/missions. The Southeast Mexican Union will include the church in the States of Campeche, Quintana Roo, Yucatan and parts of Tabasco, with six conferences/missions.

Approved to head the two organized union mission offices as of August 2012, were:

South Mexican Union Mission
Ignacio Navarro, president
Dimas Lopez, executive secretary
Jairo Zavala, treasurer

Southeast Mexican Union Mission
Isaias Espinoza, president
David Celis Aguilar, executive secretary
Pedro Leon, treasurer

Committee members also voted the operating policy for both newly reorganized unions.

The new reorganization brings a total of five unions or regions for the church in Mexico.

Inter-America’s Executive Committee meetings will continue through today.

For more information on decisions taken during IAD’s 2012 Mid-year Executive Committee meetings, visit us at

Image by Image by ANN. Abel Marquez/IAD

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