May 3, 2012 – Port of Spain, Trinidad…Theodore Jaria/USC/IAD Staff

Students, faculty and university officials are still stunned by the fire which destroyed the University of Southern Caribbean (USC) auditorium, in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, last week. The fire consumed everything inside the 900-seat facility including the new audio-visual equipment recently installed in preparation for the May 11-13 graduation ceremony.

Photos and video of the fire was posted on social networks as it happened on Apr. 26, said university faculty.

According to the Dr. Clinton Valley, USC president, the cause of the fire is still unknown and the investigation is still on-going.

During a brief visit to USC, the Honourable Fazal Karim, Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (MSTTE), expressed his dismay as he viewed the damaged auditorium. The Hon. Karim explained that “the MSTTE is fully aware of USC’s long history as a provider of quality values based education in Trinidad and the Caribbean region and the ministry sees itself as needing to do all in its power to help USC to rebuild from the ashes.”

The Hon. Karim committed to assisting USC locate a venue for the graduation ceremonies and funds to be available to rebuilt the auditorium.

Dr. Clinton thanked the MSTTE and said USC officials are still studying to determine where the graduation ceremony to close off the school year will take place during the coming days.

For news and updates about the University of Southern Caribbean,

Image by Image by ANN. Theodore Jaria/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Theodore Jaria/IAD

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