July 12, 2012 – High Springs, Florida, United States…Libna Stevens/IAD

Church leaders and teachers from throughout the 21 unions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America celebrated their successful achievements in working with the many thousands of children in churches throughout the territory. The special event took place yesterday at Camp Kulaqua in High Springs, Florida.

Dressed in their native costumes and special sashes, children’s ministries leaders sang as they marched and reported on the number of children they minister to, as well as the number of small groups, community activity programs, vacation bible school attendance, baptisms and more.

“I am so happy to hear of all your hard work and your enthusiasm and dedication to our children each week,” said Dinorah Rivera, children’s ministries director for the church in Inter-America, as she spoke to the more than 500 gathered. “God is truly blessing our beautiful multi-cultured territory and we praise God for the opportunity to serve Him.”

Inter-America’s Children’s Ministries Leadership Convention will be held until July 15, 2012.

To view a photo gallery of the event, visit www.flickr.com/photos/interamerica

For updates on Inter-America’s Children’s Ministries Leadership Convention, visit us at www.interamerica.org

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens/IAD

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